ZENKYO donated 500,000 yen to the relief efforts in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines through Japan Association for UNHCR for supporting children on November 29th, 2013.
Photo; Philippines/Survivors of Typhoon Haiyan. Survivors use the tent provided by UNHCR as a shelter against the elements and also as registration center for those who opted to leave Tacloban. UNHCR/ R. Rocamora 2013
The amount of the money is a part of contribution that was sent to ZENKYO from the whole country. Mr. Takanobu Himori, Member, Board of Directors & Executive Director of Japan Association for UNHCR and Ms. Megumi Nakamura, Senior Officer Fund Raising Section visited headquarters of ZENKYO, and received the contribution. Yoshihisa Kitamura, President of ZENKYO, and Takae Takura, Deputy General Secretary, attended the meeting of them.
Because of great damage of the typhoon in Philippines, there are approximately 9,800,000 Typhoon Haiyan victims and 660,000 refugees. In the total member of refugees, 390,000 people found shelters. The total numbers of shelters are 1316 at there. (Department of Social Welfare and Development announced on Nov. 11th, 2013) United Nations Philippines announced there are more than 2,500,000 people who need food supplies.
Japan Association for UNHCR is an official liaison office of The UN Refugee Agency in Japan, and conducted supporting activities internationally to resolve the problem of refugees because of disputes or persecutions. Japan Association for UNHCR awarded Nobel Peace Prizes in 1954 and 1981. Their activities are carried out in more than 120 countries. ZENKYO donated several times to Japan Association for UNHCR in the past.
ZENKYO has requested donation for the Philippines. “Donations boxes for the Philippines” were sent to each affiliated organization of ZENKYO. The contribution will be send constantly to Japan Association for UNHCR.